Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing

Core Premises - The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing®

Why is the knowledge of one's Metabolic Type®[1] important? ... Because, according to Healthexcel's concepts, without knowing what it is, no rational basis exists for the selection of proper diet and nutritional supplementation, since how foods and nutrients behave in a given individual's metabolism cannot otherwise be known. This conjecture is based upon a number of logically sequential premises that comprise the core of Healthexcel's unique paradigm of balancing body chemistry and building health through The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® [2]:

  1. The human body is designed and genetically programmed to be healthy
    • Every one of the body's approximately 100 trillion+ (100,000,000,000,000) [3] cells "knows" exactly what to do and how to do it properly, as per its genetic "program"

  2. The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® views the body as comprised of many different levels which are organized in a hierarchical fashion based upon complexity and function , whereby each higher level is protective of each lower level:
    [organism (highest, most complex level) ---> system ---> organ/gland ---> tissue ---> cell ---> nuclear ---> sub-nuclear ---> etc.]

  3. Health requires:

    • Homeostasis through Adaptation, i.e., the maintenance of Balance and Efficiency -- biochemically, physiologically and metabolically -- through all the various levels of the body in a state of dynamic equilibrium

    • The proper and timely quantitative presence of nutrients at the
      appropriate levels in the body

    • The proper and timely qualitative utilization of nutrients at the
      appropriate levels in the body

      [All metabolic processes require the presence of the right amount of nutrients, in the right balance, at the right place, at the right time, and in the right form (one that is utilizable by those processes)]

  4. Systemic efficiency (e.g., immune system) is based upon Organ/Glandular efficiency (e.g., thymus gland), which is based upon Cellular efficiency (e.g., thymus cells), which is based upon the optimum availability of Energy to the cells (e.g., through cellular oxidation), which depends on the ingestion, digestion, absorption, transportation, assimilation and the timely (quantitative and qualitative) utilization of the genetically-based proper balance of biochemical constituents (nutrition) provided at the right place, the right time, and in a form that is utilizable

  5. There are many thousands of biochemical reactions that take place on a daily basis as part of the innumerable life-supporting processes of metabolism. But, they occur neither independently nor without the direction of fundametal homeostatic controls . . .

  6. . . . Therefore, the potential for sufficient adaptation, continual homeostatic balance, and thereby good health is a measure of the body's ability to manage stressors (spiritual, mental, emotional, structural, biochemical, environmental) through it's capacity for the creation, maintenance and control of energy via the dualistic, diphasic, Fundamental Homeostatic Control Processes / Systems / Mechanisms [4], of which Healthexcel recognizes eleven. They are:

    • Autonomic Nervous System (master regulator of metabolism, neuro-endocrine/hormonal balance)
      Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic [5]

    • Carbo-Oxidative System (conversion of nutrients to energy via intermediary carbohydrate metabolism, involving Glycolysis, Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle, Beta Oxidation)
      Fast Oxidation vs. Slow Oxidation [6]
      Fast Oxidation vs. Slow Oxidation [6]

    • Steroidal Hormone Balance (DHEA/ Androgens/ Estrogens Pathway vs. Preferential Stress Pathway (Progesterone/Cortisol)

    • Neurotransmitter Balance (brain chemistry balance and function)
      Excitatory vs. Inhibitory Neurotransmitters

    • Lipo-Oxidative Processes (involving fatty acids/sterols balance, cell membrane permeability, aerobic/anaerobic metabolism)
      Catabolic vs. Anabolic [7]

    • Electrolyte/Fluid Balance
      Electrolyte Excess vs. Electrolyte Deficiency [8]

    • Acid/Alkaline Balance (6 potential acid/alkaline imbalances [Metabolic Acidosis, Metabolic Alkalosis, Respiratory Acidosis, Respiratory Alkalosis, Potassium Excess Acidosis, Potassium Depletion Alkalosis], resulting from 7 causal factors [autonomic, carbo-oxidative, lipo-oxidative, electrolyte/fluid balance, respiratory function, endocrine efficiencies (kidney, adrenal, ovary, teste, thyroid, posterior pituitary, parathyroid), chronic dietary imbalance with respect to acid/alkaline pH of foods]
      Acid vs. Alkaline [9]

    • Prostaglandin Balance
      Series 1 + Series 3 Prostaglandins vs. Series 2 Prostaglandins [10]

    • Endocrine System (Endocrine Type as per dominant energy gland)
      Pituitary vs. Thyroid vs. Adrenal vs. Gonad [11]

    • ABO Blood Type
      Type O vs. Type A vs. Type B vs. Type AB [12]

    • Constitutional Elements (constitutional qualities of foods interacting with the constitutional qualities of the body) [13]

  7. The critical importance of nutrition in the question of health vs. disease is grasped through the understanding that every nutrient and every food has specific stimulatory or inhibitory effects on one or more of the Fundamental Homeostatic Control Mechanisms listed above

  8. Genetic inheritance (in setting metabolic "design limits"), along with the impact of environmental and lifestyle factors, define one's Metabolic Type®(all aspects of biochemical individuality -- spiritual, mental, emotional, structural, physiological, biochemical -- as expressed through the fundamental homeostatic controls above), thus forming the basis for the determination of individual nutritional requirements

  9. Different Metabolic Types® require different balances of nutrients, foods and protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios in their dietary intakes in order to meet the dictates of their biochemical individuality for gaining and maintaining optimal health

  10. Failure to meet genetically-based, Metabolic Typenutritional requirements lays the foundation for degenerative disease
    • How degenerative diseases manifest is largely determined by one's genetic "weak link"
    • Two individuals may have identical nutritional imbalances, but one may develop diabetes, whereas the other may develop arthritis

  11. The Genetic Type (the Metabolic Typeone is born with) can functionally change due to stress, environmental factors, improper diet, stimulants, chemical abuse, illness, etc., to a different Metabolic Type®, therefore one's Functional Type (the Metabolic Type® one is currently functioning as) can be different from one's Genetic Type

  12. The Functional Type defines the current manner in which the body reacts to biochemical stimulation (foods, nutrients) and different Metabolic Types® react differently to the same nutrient(s) [see #17 below]

  13. The evaluation and determination of biochemical, metabolic individuality (Metabolic Type) and thereby the determination of individual ecological lifestyle requirements is the purpose of The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing®

  14. Diseases (and all adverse symptoms) should not be viewed as entities for which treatment/therapy is required, for in actuality, dis-eases are instead the expressions of underlying biochemical imbalances in one or more of the Fundamental Homeostatic Controls in the Metabolic Type® through which they are manifesting
    • This biochemical reality demands that the person who has the disease should be treated, not the disease that has the person
  15. No diseases or adverse symptomatology can exist without the involvement of an imbalance in one or more of the Fundamental Homeostatic Controls as expressed through the Functional Metabolic Type

  16. Any given disease may arise from virtually opposite biochemical imbalances in different Metabolic Types® . (Two people with the same disease may have opposite biochemical imbalances) Therefore . . .
    • . . . A successful, standardized, nutritional/biochemical treatment (allopathic) for any given disease -- one effective nutritional solution/remedy for a given condition that is correct for all people with that condition -- is not possible

  17. Any given nutrient can have virtually opposite biochemical influences in different Metabolic Types® (one's food is another's poison), depending on which Fundamental Homeostatic Control is being affected or is dominant . This is called The Dominance Factor [14]. Therefore, . . .

    • . . . What can correct a condition in one Metabolic Type® , can worsen the same condition in a different Metabolic Type® , or have little to no effect on a third Metabolic Type®

    • Thus, the allopathic (symptom-treatment) approach using nutrition to treat disease has no logical basis; chance, not scientific rationale, will dictate success or failure of nutritional allopathy (pharmaceutical nutrition) in the treatment of degenerative conditions

    • Furthermore, all scientific research as regards the effects of nutrition on human metabolism that is not performed on subjects of a homogenous Metabolic Typewill always result in variable and inconclusive results (This is why all results of nutritional research conclude that the nutritional substance tested improved a condition in some, had little effect on others, and worsened the condition in a third subject population)

  18. Nutrients behave differently on different levels
    Differences in nutrient behavior are seen in terms of their:
    • Stimulatory/catabolic/acid effects, or
    • Sedative/anabolic/alkaline effects

      due to their influence(s) on:

    • Hierarchic Organizational Levels [For example, the Tissue vs. the Cell level, where calcium is catabolic (alkaline) at the cell level and anabolic (acid) at the tissue level], and

    • One side or the other, of one or more of the dualistic, diphasic, Fundamental Homeostatic Control Systems (inhibiting or stimulating sympathetic or parasympathetic, fast oxidation or slow oxidation, anabolic or catabolic, acid or alkaline, etc.) [For example, potassium is sedating and alkalinizing when stimulating the Parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system, yet is acidifying when increasing the Carbo-Oxidative rate]

      Note: The acid or alkaline property of a nutrient or food is only one of many potential determinants of overall systemic pH. Determining influences include, but are not limited to: autonomic (sympathetic/parasympathetic), carbo-oxidative (fast/slow oxidation), lipo-oxidative (catabolic/anabolic), respiration, electrolyte balance, organ/gland influences (adrenal, kidney, pituitary, thyroid, gonad), and finally, chronic ingestion of acid or alkaline foods. It is not so much the acid/alkaline nature of a food as it is the ultimate influence on the dominating Fundamental Homeostatic Control Mechanism that determines systemic pH
    • There is no nutrient that is good for everyone. There is no nutrient that is bad for everyone. Whether or not a nutrient is good or bad, or whether or not a nutrient (or food) should be employed for a certain condition does not depend on some inherent quality of the nutrient, but rather on the ultimate effect of the nutrient on the dominant fundamental homeostatic control system in the given individual's Metabolic Type®. [For example, anti-oxidants for someone with an aerobic imbalance (oxidation out of control) would be "good" by contributing to resolving the imbalance. But, anti-oxidants employed on someone with an anaerobic imbalance (such as someone with anabolic/anaerobic cancer lesions) could prove deadly!]
  19. When adversities or imbalances occur, they originate from a certain level (spiritual, mental, emotional, environmental, biochemical (systemic, organal, tissular, cellular, nuclear, subnuclear). Thus, because

    • Any given problem may arise from virtually opposite biochemical imbalances in different Metabolic Types® (two different Metabolic Types® could have the same disease), and ...

    • Nutrients may behave differently on different levels (calcium is catabolic at the cellular level and anabolic at the tissue level), and ...

    • Any given nutrient may have virtually opposite influences in different Metabolic Types® (potassium is alkalinizing in an Autonomic Dominant and acidifying in a Carbo-Oxidative dominant), ...

  20. . . . Without identifying the level of origin of a problem through understanding one's Metabolic Type® , predictable, reliably effective nutrient selection may not be possible

The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® does not treat disease , but rather seeks to build health and balance body ecology through properly evaluating, identifying and addressing each person's biochemical individuality, thus unleashing the body's natural, inherent and powerful capabilities for restoration, rejuvenation and radiant good health, programmed into every one of the body's 100 trillion cells -- a state far beyond that of merely being free of symptoms.

End Notes

[1] Metabolic Type®. Specific, individualized, genetically-based patterns of biochemical individuality that define one's metabolic "design limits" and dictate individual responses to and requirements for nutritional substances.

[2] Metabolic Typing®. A specific, systematic methodology developed by Healthexcel for the analysis, evaluation, interpretation and understanding of objective Metabolic Type indicators (fundamental homeostatic control mechanisms) as well as "body language" (symptomatology) -- the body's means of communicating through the myriad of physical, mental, emotional and behavioral characteristics, its energy status [the state of efficiency and homeostasis (balance) of the body's cells, organs, glands and systems] -- through which an individual's specific responses to and requirements for nutritional substances may be known.

[3] 100 Trillion is an extraordinarily large number when considered as the number of cells that comprise the human body. What an amazing logistical challenge to provide nutrients and oxygen to every one of those cells! To get just a sense of the situation, imagine if you will, 100 trillion seconds of time in place of 100 trillion cells in the body. If you started right now marking off seconds until you came to 100 trillion, do you know how much time would have passed, by the time you ticked off 100 trillion seconds?. . . 100 trillion seconds=3.17 million years!

[4] Dualistic, diphasic Fundamental Homeostatic Mechanisms We live in a "relative" universe, where every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. The play and display of all universal activity is through the interplay of opposites: up/down, wet/dry, fast/slow, north/south, forward/backward, left/right, night/day, hot/cold, creation/destruction, protons/electrons, dark/light, cohesion/adhesion, centrifugal/centripetal, positive/negative, anion/cation, anabolic/catabolic, acid/alkaline, etc. This relative dualism manifests in human metabolism at every level of hierarchical organization, as well as in the fundamental homeostatic controls. It is through the proper and balanced operation of dualistic, fundamental, homeostatic control mechanisms that physiological, biochemical and metabolic balance and efficiency are maintained.

[5] Pottenger, M.D., Francis. Symptoms Of Visceral Disease . 1919.
Kelley, D.D.S., William Donald. The Metabolic Types. 1976.
Lee, D.D.S., Royal. Therapeutic Food Manual. 1946.

[6] Watson, Ph.D., George. Nutrition And Your Mind. 1972.
Wiley, Ph.D., Rudolph. BioBalance. 1989.

[7] Revici, M.D., Emanuel. Research In Physiopathology As Basis Of Guided Chemotherapy. 1961.

[8] Schenker, D.C., Guy. An Analytical System Of Clinical Nutrition. 1989.

[9] Schenker, D.C., Guy. An Analytical System Of Clinical Nutrition. 1989.

[10] Erasmus, Udo. Fats And Oils. 1984.

[11] Abravanel, M.D., Elliott. Body Type Diet. 1984.

[12] D'Adamo, James. One Man's Food. Richard Marek Publishers, 1980. The D'Adamo Diet. McGraw-Hill, 1989.
D'Adamo, Peter. Eat Right 4 Your Type. C.P. Putnam's Sons, 1996.

[13] Constitutional Elements. The significance of the constitutional elements of foods relative to the constitutional elements of individual metabolism is drawn from Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine. This consideration of metabolic individuality does not concern specific balances of vitamins and minerals. Rather, it pertains to the proper application of herbs and foods. For example, nature always provides more than one herb for any given condition. But, if an herb of a certain constitutional quality is prescribed, say, for insomnia, for someone of the same constitutional quality, that quality will be intensified (the constitutional imbalance will be worsened) and the desired result will be lacking, overshadowed by exacerbation of the constitutional, the more fundamental imbalance. All of the ancient systems of medicine recognized the wisdom of treating the person who has the disease over the disease that has the person.

[14] Wolcott, W.L. "A Theoretical Model For Clinical Application of the Relationship Between the Autonomic Nervous System and the Oxidation Rate in the Determination of Metabolic Types and the Requirements of Nutritional Individuality." 1983.
