Why is the knowledge of one's Metabolic Type®[1] important? ... Because, according to Healthexcel's concepts, without knowing what it is, no rational basis exists for the selection of proper diet and nutritional supplementation, since how foods and nutrients behave in a given individual's metabolism cannot otherwise be known. This conjecture is based upon a number of logically sequential premises that comprise the core of Healthexcel's unique paradigm of balancing body chemistry and building health through The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® [2]:
Note: The acid or alkaline property of a nutrient or food is only one of many potential determinants of overall systemic pH. Determining influences include, but are not limited to: autonomic (sympathetic/parasympathetic), carbo-oxidative (fast/slow oxidation), lipo-oxidative (catabolic/anabolic), respiration, electrolyte balance, organ/gland influences (adrenal, kidney, pituitary, thyroid, gonad), and finally, chronic ingestion of acid or alkaline foods. It is not so much the acid/alkaline nature of a food as it is the ultimate influence on the dominating Fundamental Homeostatic Control Mechanism that determines systemic pH
The Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing® does not treat disease , but rather seeks to build health and balance body ecology through properly evaluating, identifying and addressing each person's biochemical individuality, thus unleashing the body's natural, inherent and powerful capabilities for restoration, rejuvenation and radiant good health, programmed into every one of the body's 100 trillion cells -- a state far beyond that of merely being free of symptoms.
End Notes
Metabolic Type®.
Specific, individualized, genetically-based patterns of
biochemical individuality that define one's metabolic "design limits" and
individual responses to and requirements for nutritional substances.
Metabolic Typing®.
A specific, systematic methodology developed by Healthexcel
for the analysis,
evaluation, interpretation and understanding of objective Metabolic Type
(fundamental homeostatic control mechanisms) as well as "body language"
(symptomatology) -- the body's means of communicating through the myriad of
mental, emotional and behavioral characteristics, its energy status [the state
efficiency and homeostasis (balance) of the body's cells, organs, glands and
systems] --
through which an individual's specific responses to and requirements for
substances may be known.
100 Trillion
is an extraordinarily large number when considered as the number
of cells that comprise the human body. What an amazing logistical challenge to
nutrients and oxygen to every one of those cells! To get just a sense of the
imagine if you will, 100 trillion seconds of time in place of 100 trillion
cells in the body.
If you started right now marking off seconds until you came to 100 trillion, do
you know
how much time would have passed, by the time you ticked off 100 trillion
seconds?. . .
100 trillion seconds=3.17 million years!
Dualistic, diphasic Fundamental Homeostatic Mechanisms
We live in a "relative"
universe, where every action must have an equal and opposite reaction. The play
and display
of all universal activity is through the interplay of opposites: up/down,
fast/slow, north/south, forward/backward, left/right, night/day, hot/cold,
creation/destruction, protons/electrons, dark/light, cohesion/adhesion,
centrifugal/centripetal, positive/negative, anion/cation, anabolic/catabolic,
acid/alkaline, etc. This relative dualism manifests in human metabolism at every
level of hierarchical organization, as well as in the fundamental homeostatic
It is through the proper and balanced operation of dualistic, fundamental,
control mechanisms that physiological, biochemical and metabolic balance and
are maintained.
Pottenger, M.D., Francis.
Symptoms Of Visceral Disease
. 1919.
Kelley, D.D.S., William Donald.
The Metabolic Types.
Lee, D.D.S., Royal.
Therapeutic Food Manual.
Watson, Ph.D., George.
Nutrition And Your Mind.
Wiley, Ph.D., Rudolph.
Revici, M.D., Emanuel.
Research In Physiopathology As Basis Of Guided Chemotherapy.
Schenker, D.C., Guy.
An Analytical System Of Clinical Nutrition.
Schenker, D.C., Guy.
An Analytical System Of Clinical Nutrition.
Erasmus, Udo.
Fats And Oils.
Abravanel, M.D., Elliott.
Body Type Diet.
D'Adamo, James.
One Man's Food.
Richard Marek Publishers, 1980. The D'Adamo Diet. McGraw-Hill, 1989.
D'Adamo, Peter.
Eat Right 4 Your Type.
C.P. Putnam's Sons, 1996.
Constitutional Elements.
The significance of the constitutional elements of foods relative to the
constitutional elements of individual metabolism is drawn from Ayurvedic and
Chinese medicine. This consideration of metabolic individuality does not
concern specific balances of vitamins and minerals. Rather, it pertains to the
proper application of herbs and foods. For example, nature always provides more
than one herb for any given condition. But, if an herb of a certain
constitutional quality is prescribed, say, for insomnia, for someone of the
same constitutional quality, that quality will be intensified (the
constitutional imbalance will be worsened) and the desired result will be
lacking, overshadowed by exacerbation of the constitutional, the more
fundamental imbalance. All of the ancient systems of medicine recognized the
wisdom of treating the person who has the disease over the disease that has the
Wolcott, W.L.
"A Theoretical Model For Clinical Application of the Relationship Between the
Autonomic Nervous System and the Oxidation Rate in the Determination of
Metabolic Types and the Requirements of Nutritional Individuality."