Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing

Mission Statement

Based on over 33 years of experience in custom designing Metabolic Typing® programs suited to each person's unique Metabolic Type®, Healthexcel is dedicated to the unfoldment of human potential and the development of optimal health through individualized ecological lifestyle programs.

We believe that the body is designed to be healthy, that good health is everyone's birthright, that the ability to experience ideal health is part of the genetic code built into every cell in the body, and, that what you need to do in order to reclaim your birthright of radiant health and achieve your genetic potential is to understand through Metabolic Typing® what YOUR body needs as opposed to someone else's, in order to function the way it was intended.

To this end, Healthexcel provides Metabolic Typing® research, a series of computerized Metabolic Typing® analyses, designing of Metabolic Typing® customized nutrition and ecological lifestyle programs, Metabolic Typing® training and certification for health professionals, turn-key Metabolic Typing® systems for health professionals, and international Metabolic Typing® consulting services.

Our mission is to bring the wondrous technology of Metabolic Typing® to the world for the benefit of all mankind and to safeguard the technology for all of our future gnerations to come.