Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing

Do I Need A Metabolic Typing® Advisor?

Increased energy, no more sweet cravings, a sense of joy and emotional well-being, a normal appetite, these are all commonly reported results of eating right for your Metabolic Type® that often can occur quite quickly. Your MT Advisor can help you achieve optimal results as soon as possible. There are many more good reasons why you should consider working with a Metabolic Type® Advisor. Here are a few:

No matter what your lifestyle, whether you work around the clock, have small children, travel regularly or just have a stressed life, your MT Advisor can help you strategize a plan to keep your MT Program on track. MT Advisors are there for you.

Contact an Advisor for information regarding fees. Find an Advisor near you. NOTE: It is NOT necessary to see an Advisor in person. Metabolic Type® works very well by consulting an Advisor by phone or email.

Metabolic Type Diet - Paperback Purchase The Metabolic Type® Diet book online at Or order direct from Ultra Life at
1 (800) 323-3842 or 1 (618) 594-7711.
