Healthexcel System of Metabolic Typing

The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing

HEALTHEXCEL is an organization dedicated to the acceleration of the unfoldment of human potential through the creation of excellence in health through individualized ecological lifestyle programs. The essence of this philosophy is The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing.

The concept of the maintenance of proper body ecology through addressing unique individual requirements for nutrition is certainly not an original idea brought forth by Healthexcel, nor even is the term "metabolic typing." Writings of the ancient Greek physicians such as Hippocrates give evidence of the recognition of the validity of addressing the needs of the whole person rather than the symptoms of dis-ease. To paraphrase their thinking on the subject, they recognized that different sorts of people had different kinds of maladies. Evidence of a similar philosophy espoused by the Romans is seen in the paraphrase attributed to the Roman philosopher Lucretius that one man's food was another's poison. Similar concepts can also be seen in the ancient healing arts of the Far East, e.g., the variable manifestations between individuals of yin and yang in Chinese medicine, and the correlation of the five elements to individual classifications of metabolism in the Ayurvedic medicine of India.

Modern, progressive-minded researchers have revived this notion of health being dependent on one's ability to obtain all the nutrients for which one has a genetic requirement. Dr. Roger Williams, the noted biochemist from the University of Texas, expounded his genetotrophic principle in which he showed that our individual characteristics, which are an expression of our uniqueness, are based in our genes and that these genetically inherited differences extend to even the level of the individual cell in determining the rate of individual cellular activity. According to Dr. Williams, all people are genetically predisposed to specific nutritional needs, which, if not met, may lead to chronic health problems. This he termed a person's biochemical individuality. He believed that all such chronic problems, even the most serious ones, are caused by such "cellular malnutrition." Dr. Williams advocated the need " . . . to develop techniques for identifying the inherited pattern of susceptibilities and resistances that is unique to each individual. Call it a `metabolic profile' or any other name you wish, but plainly it represents a necessary precondition for making rational programs of nutrition, tailored to fit each individual's special requirements."

Other independent metabolic and nutritional researchers concurrently developed just such systems for the determination of individual nutritional requirements. Many researchers such as Dr. Francis Pottenger, Dr. R.O. Muller and others, worked with individual classification through the autonomic nervous system. Dr. William Donald Kelley coined the term metabolic typing and was the first to utilize computer technology to analyze nutritional needs based on the autonomic nervous system. Dr. George Watson's research, and later that of Drs. Paul Eck and Rudolph Wiley, centered around the oxidation rate, the rate at which nutrients are burned for energy in the cells, as the basis for the determination of individual nutritional needs. Other researchers, such as Drs. Henry Bieler, Melvin Page and Elliot Abravanel developed means of metabolic classification through analysis of the endocrine system.


It has become quite clear that the acquisition of good health is dependent on the acquisition of good nutrition. The question one naturally asks is: What is right for me? All too often the only answer that is given is, "Eat a well-balanced diet." But, it has also become quite clear in Healthexcel's experience, that what is right for one person, as the ancient health practitioners knew, may simply not necessarily be correct for someone else. What constitutes good nutrition for the Eskimo may not be the same as for the vegetarian East Indian. However, knowing one's ancestry is also of not much use, for it has become apparent that children from the same parents may not only differ to the extreme in external appearances and personalities, but also in terms of their nutritional requirements. So, the question remains, "What is right for me?"

For many if not most people, this is a very difficult question to find a satisfactory answer to. If one attempts to seek an answer from a library or the bookshelf of a local health food store, one is apt to become even more confused than before. One can readily find volumes of information touting every known vitamin and mineral as being vital, necessary and a virtual "cure-all." Nutritional literature, as well as stories one hears, are filled with seemingly contradictory information, for it is commonly seen that what works as a "miracle cure" for one person, has no effect on another and makes a third person feel worse than before.

Obviously, every vitamin and mineral is vital and necessary; but, according to Healthexcel's Metabolic Typing® philosophy, different people may need different amounts of the different nutrients. Amazing as it may seem, it is very likely that all the books touting the benefits of the various nutrients are correct. However, seen from Healtehxcel's perspective, they are accurate only for certain, specific metabolic types; their recommendations are incorrect for other metabolic types!

According to Healthexcel's concepts, the answer to the question regarding proper nutrition for any individual can only be answered once the Metabolic Type® of the individual is understood. Unfortunately, there has been almost as much confusion concerning how to properly evaluate one's Metabolic Type® as there has been regarding the proper balance of nutrient intake. So much of the information regarding classification of types and subsequent recommendation of nutrients has seemed contradictory. For example, someone classified as one type under one system might be classified as a different type under a different system, with the unfortunate result of opposite recommendations for nutritional support being made. Even after accepting the idea of the need for individualized nutritional requirements, one is still left with the question: "What is right for me? "


The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing is intended to dispel the clouds of confusion by providing a comprehensive answer to this question. Over seven years of study of the relationship of Metabolic Typing® to the determination of individual nutritional requirements uncovered a common denominator to all past systems of metabolic evaluation . . . energy! This realization led to the further revelation that the previous systems of evaluation developed by the pioneers of metabolic nutritional research are in themselves neither right nor wrong, but are instead pieces of the same puzzle, which are believed to complement, rather than oppose each other. Healthexcel's theories on the subject follow:

Genes dictate the characteristics of each individual cell the structure and purpose of the cell, the rate of cellular activity, the nutrients required by the cell for repairing and rebuilding, for reproduction, for energy production and for successful completion of all cellular activities. Cells group together based upon similar makeup and purpose to form organs, glands and other bodily tissues. These in turn, form the various systems in the body whose purposes are to perform special functions (e.g. the digestive system, the immune system, etc).

The nutrients obtained by the body from air, food, water and light provide the fuel for all the processes of metabolism. By supplying the body with all the raw materials for which it has a genetically influenced requirement, one sets the stage for optimum energy production, an essential ingredient and common link in the continuum of proper body ecology, optimum functioning of all the body's cells, organs, glands and systems, and good health and well-being. The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing, is a proprietary process of evaluation of the interrelationship of the body's three main systems for the creation, maintenance and control of energy: the autonomic nervous system, the oxidative system and the endocrine system.


Once it was perceived that the different philosophies of metabolic typing were not mutually exclusive, but rather had a synergistic relationship, the genesis of Healthexcel's dominance factor naturally followed: All three of the body's energy systems work together in the creation, maintenance and control of the body's production of energy and processes of metabolism. However, it is believed that different people have one system stronger than the other; this is referred to as the dominant system. From this realization came the understanding of several important phenomena, and the development of important philosophical concepts and practical applications unique to The Healthexcel System Of Metabolic Typing:

Any given nutrient will effect different people in different ways. How a given nutrient affects someone depends on the dominance factor (the dominant system) of the metabolic type.

Two (or more) people can have the same adverse symptom or health problem for virtually opposite biochemical reasons.

For example, if a person had leg cramps and was metabolically typed as an:

Foods in themselves are not acidifying or alkalinizing to the body. Whether a food has an acid or an alkaline effect on the body depends not on its ash, but rather on the dominance factor in the metabolic type, i.e., on what system is most strongly affected by the foods.

For example, if a high potassium food like a fruit or a vegetable that burns to an alkaline ash in the body is given to an:

Furthermore, the understanding of the interrelationship between the autonomic, oxidative and endocrine systems allows for a greater capacity for understanding the causes for various characteristics, as well as for a more accurate determination of nutritional requirements than was previously possible. For example, a sympathetic autonomic dominant [see The Healthexcel Metabolic Types <196> Ed] is normally quick and alert mentally and has excellent memory and concentration. However, if a sympathetic autonomic dominant shifted (along the oxidative axis instead of the autonomic axis) into slow oxidative dominance, the normal sympathetic mental traits could change drastically to those of a much less desirable nature. If one used only the autonomic system of evaluation instead of The Healthexcel System, such a shift could be mistaken for an autonomic shift into parasympathetic activity. However, the nutritional support to correct the parasympathetic shift is the opposite of what is needed if the change was an oxidative shift into slow oxidation. The failure to understand this facet of biochemical individuality could result in a worsening of problems through nutritional support instead of an improvement in them.

Understanding Body Language

Healthexcel believes that the quality of every activity in the body, whether it be physiological, psychological or biochemical in nature, depends on the rate, quality and amount of energy available. When optimum energy is available to the body on all levels, to all the cells, organs, glands and systems, then optimum functioning good health is possible. As a natural result, one's experience on all levels, all the multitudinous symptoms, traits and characteristics of the body, reflects this optimum energy potential. The mind is clear and sharp, there is ample energy for emotional experience and physical energy abounds. All of the body's cells, organs, glands and systems function efficiently and harmoniously. An overall feeling of vitality and well-being naturally pervades one's experience.

But, when the cells are deficient in their fuel requirements and metabolic activity becomes disrupted, imbalanced and inefficient, then the quality of one's experience, on all levels, reflects that condition as well. The body then begins to communicate in its own "language" the fact that all is not well! At first, it might just appear as a lessening of energy, of mental sharpness or of emotional interest. Then actual non-specific symptoms or conditions may begin to appear such characteristics as digestive imbalances; bowel irregularities; food sensitivities; emotionality; lack of proper energy levels; etc. Then, if not corrected, such nutritional imbalances may eventually give way to more serious problems.

But, long before that time the body will have been communicating in its own fashion the fact that all is not well. The interpretation and the understanding of this "body language" is the quest of metabolic typing. In its own way, the body constantly defines its own individuality; it gives expression to its own imbalances and makes known the need for its own requirements! The mental, emotional and physical characteristics the body displays supply an ample description and unending flow of information regarding its status quo. One need only develop an understanding of the principles involved in Metabolic Typing® in order to begin to understand the language of the body.

NOTICE: Healthexcel Metabolic Typing® concepts and any accompanying individualized ecological lifestyle recommendations that may be made are based on our own theories drawn from the ideas of past researchers in the field. These theories have not been scientifically proven. Thus, the accuracy of our theories or the validity of our recommendations, nutritional or otherwise, have not been scientifically confirmed. Certain persons considered experts may disagree with one or more of our concepts or recommendations. We are not nutritionists or licensed dietitians, but rather consider ourselves to be Ecological Lifestyle Advisors. Our purposes are educational and informational only and we assume no responsibility for the correct or incorrect use of our information. Any information we provide and any recommendations we make should not be used to, nor are they intended to, nor do they in fact diagnose, treat, cure or mitigate any specific health problem. Anyone with any health complaint should seek the care and consultation of an appropriate licensed health practitioner. No attempt should be made to use any information we provide as a form of treatment for any specific condition without the approval and guidance of a physician.
